Which word you choose, depends on the dialect you speak. What dialect you speak is dependent upon where you live in
Calabria. These are basically just 3 whimsical names for
guanciale. Yes,
guanciale has been beaten to death here, but, I enjoy the cute names. This is a jowl that was originally intended for '
nduja, but, I fell in love with it and rescued it. This is another monster jowl from
Mosefund. It is as simple a cure as could be. Cured 7-10 days, depending on size, with just
sicilian sea salt and cure #2. Then, it is rinsed, dried off and covered in freshly ground black pepper and
crushed red pepper flakes, which is what you see in the picture. Now it sits for 4-6 weeks. Quick, easy, lovely.
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